A Comprehensive Guide To Types Of Child Custody In Fort Myers!

 Taking care of your child both mentally and physically is every parent's desire. Such affection is valuable for every parent regardless of the ongoing discrepancies between the mother and the father. Sometimes, these fights go beyond the limit and start troubling up the relationships. A time comes in their bonding when they mutually decide to end their relationship and begin living independently. In such cases, the biggest challenge comes from getting child custody in Fort Myers

If this is your case, too, don't hassle up everything and reach the best, professional attorney to help you get your child's guardianship. There are plenty of certified, legitimate options and licensed lawyers that can best support you to get your child's responsibility. However, you must be aware of how these legal formalities work, who is responsible for the child's care after separation, how long it takes, and so on. You may go through the below information to find the types of Child support in Fort Myers that can potentially help you in future situations. 

  • Physical Custody: It's a type of custody wherein both the parents have equal rights to spend time with the child for a specified period. Generally, the parent with whom the child initially lives is known as the custodial parent, and the other one with whom the child gets visitation rights is the non-custodial one. In such types of custody, a kid can spend time and live with one parent and get visitation with the other for a particular time. 

  • Joint Custody: In joint custody, parents get the guardianship of a kid depending on how they shared their decision-making and physical control to the court. This decision becomes a compulsion when the child's parents are separated, divorced or no more into the marital relationship. 

  • Sole Custody: Due to poor living conditions or lifestyle habits of a single parent, the court generally moves with the decision of sole custody wherein only one parent will have Child support in Fort Myers. However, depending on the parent's mutual decision, a child may also get joint custody wherein both parents will ensure the kid's upbringing for a specific time. 


Bad circumstances have no time and venue. It may arise anytime and spoil one's beautiful relationship. However, every query holds a path to a solution. When two people want to end their marital relationship and come along their ways, child custody in Fort Myers becomes the primary issue. We hope the information mentioned above would be valuable to you and presents a knowledgeable insight. 


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